
Sectors of Economy

The Economy Sectors specialize in the individual strategies of digital transformation with the common goal of digitally serving citizens and businesses. The aim of the Sectoral Projects is to support the transition of existing systems to new infrastructure and modern implementation architectures, but also the adoption of modern technological tools in the individual sectors of the economy. The Public Administration implements digital projects that enhance the transparency, participation, accessibility, privacy and security of citizens and businesses, while ensuring the existence of a nationwide, modern communications and connectivity infrastructure.

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Economy Sector

A strategic direction is the restart of the Greek economy and the consolidation of a climate of confidence in the market by utilizing digital technologies that will allow, among other things, better monitoring of financial transactions, tax liabilities, tax delinquency and unfair competition.

25 Overall Projects

  • 17 In Progress
Development & Investments

Accelerating the transition to the digital economy is one of the central pillars of the European Digital Single Market Strategy, with an emphasis on Trade Growth, Consumer Protection, Industry, Investment, Research, Technology and Business Development. Industrial Innovation.

17 Overall Projects

  • 9 In Progress
Foreign Policy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the central coordinator for the formulation of a modern and effective national policy in attracting foreign investments, the promotion of exports and the overall extroverted development of Greek entrepreneurship.

5 Overall Projects

  • 2 In Progress

The strategy of the Ministry of Education & Religions aims to strengthen the digital experience at every level of operation of Education, including the administration of education, the educational process and the administrative organization.

36 Overall Projects

  • 24 In Progress
Labor & Social Affairs

Facilitating and strengthening the integration of human resources into the labor market, promoting vocational education and training and linking it to employment are strategic objectives for increasing employment and combating unemployment.

37 Overall Projects

  • 26 In Progress
Health & Decent Living

In the field of Health, the pandemic crisis accelerated the implementation of projects that had been needed for decades in the state health system.

29 Overall Projects

  • 19 In Progress
Environment & Energy

Greece, through the revised national strategy for energy and climate, sets clear goals in relation to the use of technology for greater penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), energy saving and electrification, integrated waste management and cyclical economy, forest and biodiversity protection and spatial planning.

25 Overall Projects

  • 7 In Progress

In the field of Culture, the country's lag in the creation of digital applications for archaeological sites and museums is covered by the development of digital models of cultural production and distribution as well as innovative digital services.

18 Overall Projects

  • 10 In Progress

In the field of Sports, digitization of services as well as interconnection of digital registers will be implemented.

3 Overall Projects

  • 2 In Progress

The essential elements of the digital transformation for the field of Justice concern the development, integration and improvement of digital tools related to the access and management of legal information, the operation of court proceedings and in general the improvement of the functioning of the judicial system.

28 Overall Projects

  • 19 In Progress
Department of Interior & Public Administration

The actions of the Public Administration are governed by two main strategic directions that concern the recording, simplification and homogenization of the processes and the utilization of technological innovations in order to improve the services provided to the citizens and the enterprises.

11 Overall Projects

  • 8 In Progress
Digital Transformation of Cities & Communities

An important priority of the new digital strategy is the transformation of cities and communities into smart and sustainable urban and rural areas, where citizens will enjoy living and working.

3 Overall Projects

  • 1 In Progress
Transport & Infrastructure

The digital transformation of Transport is a capable and necessary condition for the overall development of Greece and the emergence of its competitive advantages.

23 Overall Projects

  • 12 In Progress
Shipping & Island Policy

Priority is given to the use of technology to strengthen the "blue economy" and stimulate the interest of the shipping community in a country with a maritime tradition.

11 Overall Projects

  • 4 In Progress
Rural Development & Food

The digital strategy for the agri-food sector aims at harnessing the potential of digital technologies in the three main areas: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries.

23 Overall Projects

  • 12 In Progress

In the tourism sector, the goal is to promote the tourism product by improving the visitor experience, utilizing the content that concerns the cultural and natural wealth of the country.

13 Overall Projects

  • 11 In Progress
Immigration & Asylum

The Greek state implements a unified strategy with specific actions and actions with the aim of managing directly and effectively a large volume of migration and refugee flows, within the framework of the rule of law, applying international and European treaties.

7 Overall Projects

  • 7 In Progress